1,000 more electric chargers in the next 5 years
Step in the right direction towards 936,000 EV’s on-road by 2030
As part of a new infrastructure scheme, 1,000 car charger points for EV’s are to be installed over the next 5 years.
Richard Bruton announced a number of months ago, before the lockdown that there has been funding set aside for local authorities to carry out this task and have a widespread effect on the community. These local authorities were placed to identify the best locations for implementing the new charge points, according to the Minister for Climate Action and Environment
It is thought they will receive €5000 every year for 200 charging stations to be installed every year until 2025.
The government's climate action plan aims to have 1m EV’s on the roads by 2030. Having these charging points more available to motorists is an incentive to switch to using EV’s as this has been an obstacle in convincing people this is the right choice.
Eventually, the aim is for anyone who has an EV to have a charging point in their home with some help from the government to implement this. You are then able to charge your vehicle at night and this should set you up for the next day.
This is in conjunction with ESB announcing that Ev owners will soon have to pay to use the charging stations. They along with €10 million in funding recently given to them is set to go towards new high-speed chargers as well we to renew existing chargers near motorways, as these are high in demand.
The new charging points would be in addition to a network of 90 high-speed chargers; 50 fast chargers and more than 500 upgraded charge points being supported under the Climate Action Fund.
“This will ensure that we build a network of circa 2,000 reliable public charge points nationwide by 2025, which will be enough to support a significant increase in the number of EVs on the road,” the Minister said.
Not only this but new regulations will require non-domestic buildings with more than 20 car-parking spaces to implement charging amenities. The department is also looking into options to expand this current scheme so as to support the installation of charge points in residential buildings with private shared parking i.e. apartment blocks with the intention to have something in place early next year.

Justin Kavanagh
Justin Kavanagh is a recognised leader
in automotive intelligence and vehicle
data supply to the entire motor industry.
He has almost 20 years experience in
building systems from the ground up.
As the Managing Director of Vehicle
Management System, he understands the
need and importance of trustworthy and
reliable vehicle history and advice to
both the trade and the public.
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