Free Car Check Ireland
What is a Free Car Check?
The free car check provided by is a basic identity check of the vehicle in question so that customers can view the basic details of the car and determine that the actual specific identity of the car is sound.
The MyVehicle free car check service allows the user to enter the registration number of the vehicle they are interested in buying and by doing so they can match the reg number on the vehicle with the registration number supplied by the free check.
What does a free car check include?
The free car check consists of:
- The Registration Number of the car
- A brief Vehicle Description showing the Make, Model and Version
- The Body Type includes the number of doors and body type
- The Colour of the vehicle in question
- The Year the car was registered
- We will also show the number of records we hold on the vehicle (please note: that this includes ALL vehicle data records and not just negative ones)
- The estimated Vehicle’s Running Costs (this is the estimated annual running cost of the vehicle based on the average mileage for that car per year eg. 15,000 km)
- Finaly, the free car check will also display the report options available to purchase from
The report will tell you if there are any previous mileage readings on the vehicle as well as letting you know that the car has additional essential information that can be
Why you should Purchase a Full Car History Check
If you are interested in buying a used car, you should always run a Full History Check. Buying a report from is essential as every vehicle out there has a past, whether that is good or bad.
Buying a car history check report before buying a used car is so important so as to avoid potential future problems. You should remember that the cost of the report is just a fraction of the cost of repair, especially if you buy a car and have not checked if it has been written-off for example.
Importance of an Irish History Check
- 1 out of 6 Irish vehicles have outstanding finance
- 4 out of 10 Irish vehicles back on the road are written-off
- 1 out of 5 Irish vehicles are clocked
- Increase in Irish vehicles being stolen and cloned
- Increase in fake NCT certificates
Why purchase a Car History Check?
By purchasing an Irish Car History Check from MyVehicle you will find out if the car has been damaged and written-off or if the car has been clocked. You will also find out if the car was previously stolen or cloned or has been a taxi in the past.
The history check report will also identify if the vehicle has been imported from the UK and if you do a full check, it will tell you if the car still has outstanding finance owed, for which you will be liable if you purchase the car.
Vehicle Check Includes:
Full Car ID Check
Vehicle Valuation
Written-Off Check
Imported Vehicle
Mileage Reading
Was it a Taxi or Hackney
Does it have NCT or CVRT
Road Tax Status
Costings Check
Number of Owners
Type of the previous Owner
Date of last sale & sale history
Modifications in the model
Vehicle Identification Number for Verification
Vehicle Engine Number
Damage Alerts if any
1. Does the free car check include an HPI check for outstanding finance?
The free reg check in Ireland serves as a basic identity check of the motor vehicle you are interested in purchasing. If you wish to get the HPI check done, you can order it as part of the full car history check. Remember that the responsibility lies with the car buyer to ensure that there is no outstanding loan on the car. Unless you do the HPI check for outstanding finance, you run the risk of having the vehicle seized once you purchase it from the buyer.
2. Can the free car check tell me if the vehicle I intend to purchase has been imported from the UK?
Yes, if you want to know whether a car is an import from the UK, all you need to do is order a car check for free from Our car check report includes all previous registration numbers of the vehicle and any history that you may have overlooked, and this information is offered to you for free of cost.
3. Can the free car check indicate if the vehicle has been repainted?
Yes, our database lists what colour the car was at the time of the first registration. You can compare this with the present colour of the car to know if it has been re-painted. Keep in mind that major paint jobs could indicate significant damage or repairs. That’s why it’s important to order a car check in Ireland for free through
4. Can the free car check tell if a motor vehicle’s engine has been replaced?
Yes, our database has a record of each vehicle’s original engine number that was recorded on the date of the first registration. We will provide this information to you as part of the free car check in Ireland report. You can determine whether the car still has the same engine by comparing the two engine numbers. If you find that the engine has been replaced, it’s important to find out what the issue was from the seller.
5. Does the free car check indicate how many previous owners a car has had?
While the advertisement may tell you a car has had only one owner, the fact remains that the vehicle could have changed many hands. There’s no way for you to really know this unless you order a full car history check from While the free car history check will tell you some basic information about the car, it is recommended you do a full history check if you suspect the car may have had more owners in the past. Always be wary of buying a car that has had multiple owners because there is no telling how each one of them maintained the car.
6. Can I buy a used car without ordering a free car check report?
It’s always recommended you get at least a basic Ireland reg check for free through, so you can avoid buying a car with a lot of issues.

Justin Kavanagh
Justin Kavanagh is a recognised leader
in automotive intelligence and vehicle
data supply to the entire motor industry.
He has almost 20 years experience in
building systems from the ground up.
As the Managing Director of Vehicle
Management System, he understands the
need and importance of trustworthy and
reliable vehicle history and advice to
both the trade and the public.
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