Mayor of London may ban polluting diesel cars from City streets

Mayor of London may ban polluting diesel cars from City streets
The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan has hinted that he is considering banning polluting cars entirely from London's streets in an effort to combat growing pollution.The UK capital has already announced plans for drivers of some of the oldest and most polluting cars to pay a £10 "toxicity charge" to drive in central London from October.
Mr Khan said, "nothing's off the table" and they will consider banning specific cars on certain days in London.
It is estimated that air pollution is linked to 9,000 early deaths a year in London City and the European Commission is to issue a "final warning" to the UK Government for repeated breaches of legal limits.
Mr Khan is reported to have said: "Well, nothing's off the table but I want to address the issue of poor quality air 365 days a year, not only on those days where the air is dangerous."
On the issue of pollution, wood burning stoves have also come under some scrutiny. The Mayor went on to say,
"Well there's an issue, I mean I issued the first ever very high air pollution alert a few weeks ago and the experts say one of the reasons was during that particular weekend lots of those stoves were being used.
"We've got to work with manufacturers to make sure the right sorts of stuff are being burnt in these stoves but you know one thing by itself won't be enough, that's why the Government has got to help me in cities around the country to address this massive issue."
The UK Government is contemplating introducing a scrappage scheme for diesel vehicles and a clean air act to combat pollution.
"I'm saying to the Government, you need to introduce a national diesel scrappage fund to help people, especially the poorest families, businessmen and women with vans to move from diesel to cleaner forms of transport. Some people need to drive a van, need to drive a minibus, need to drive a car, they've got to help me.
"But also, we need a clean air act, fit for purpose for the 21st century. Half of the emissions come from roads, while the other half comes from construction, housing and the river. The Government's got to step up to the plate."


Justin Kavanagh
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