Toyota Recalls All Its Hydrogen-Fueled Cars
Toyota Hydrogen Car Recall
Toyota is to recall all of their hydrogen-fuelled zero-emission Mirai cars due to output voltage problems within the fuel cell system
Toyota believes that under certain unique driving conditions, such as if the accelerator pedal is pressed to a wide open throttle position while driving on a long descent on cruise control, there could be a possibility that the output voltage generated by the fuel cell converter could exceed the maximum voltage permissible for safety.
Toyota has already sold about 2,840 Mirai cars mainly in Japan and the United States but they have sold a few of these cars in Europe and the United Arab Emirates.
The Mirai was launched in late 2014 and reached the U.S. market (just California) in late 2015.
The fuel cell system software will be updated on the recall schedule at no cost to the customer Toyota said and the entire process will take about half an hour.
Japan, is the home market for the new technology hydrogen cars and Toyota wishes to lead the industry in the nascent technology.
Toyota is marketing the new hydrogen fuel cell cars to the next-generation as another option to hybrids.
One issue remains and that is the lack of hydrogen fueling stations which will continue to be a major hurdle to mass consumption of the new technologies.
Check out our other recent post on The Top Ten Hydrogen Powered Cars.

Justin Kavanagh
Justin Kavanagh is a recognised leader
in automotive intelligence and vehicle
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