Conor McGregor receives driving ban
Conor McGregor gets driving ban
UFC fighter Conor McGregor has been banned for driving for six months and fined €1,000 by a judge in Co Kildare for breaking speed limit at 154km/h.
The world famous fighter was disqualified after admitting driving 54km/h over the speed limit in a 100km/h zone.
He was stopped in October 2017 last year by Gardaí in County Kildare while travelling at about 1½ times the speed limit.
McGregor arrived at Naas district courthouse at about 1.45pm but before he entered the court he posed for pictures with a number of his fans before the proceedings.
The fighter did not put up much of a fight in court though and apologised to the judge at a packed Naas District Court saying, “I didn’t know I was going that fast,”
The court heard that he had passed on the initial fixed-charge penalty notice to be paid, resulting in him being summoned to court and the subsequent ban. Solicitor Graham Kenny told the court his client takes the matter very seriously and did not intend for it to progress so far.
Sgt Michael Keevans told the court the offence on October 11th, 2017, took place on the N7 at Blackchurch, Kill, Co Kildare, at 10.57pm. McGregor was driving a blue Range Rover and was observed travelling at 154km/h in a 100km/h zone, the court heard.
Sgt Keevans said the mixed martial arts (MMA) fighter was on his own in the car at the time he was caught speeding. The Gardaí spoke to him for about five minutes and he was advised to drive slower in future. The court heard that McGregor was polite to the Irish police and apologised. The court also heard that the traffic conditions were moderate to light at the time and the weather was dry.
McGregor has had a number of previous convictions, including most recently at Blanchardstown District Court in November 2017, also for speeding.
The Judge, Desmond Zaidan said that he was disappointed and McGregor was reminded of the number of deaths caused on Irish roads every year. The judge also asked why McGregor did not face a more serious charge, saying that the defendant was fortunate he was not charged with more serious matters such as careless or dangerous driving.
“The higher the speed, the greater the risk involved,” the judge said. “When speeding goes wrong the consequences are catastrophic and life-changing.”
The court accepted McGregor’s apology, noting that McGregor appeared to be remorseful. He took on board his explanation regarding the delegation of payment for the fixed-charge penalty notice.
The fine is payable within six months as a lump sum, the judge directed. Charges relating to McGregor’s driving licence were withdrawn during proceedings.

Justin Kavanagh
Justin Kavanagh is a recognised leader
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