Developers ordered to install car turntables in residential home driveways
Developers in the UK are being ordered to fit £15,000 car turntables in new residential home driveways so motorists don't have to reverse back out onto busy roads.
The turntables enable cars to be driven straight into the driveway and then turn 180 degrees so that the car is facing back out onto the road.
Some councils are insisting that these turntables being installed so as to reduce accidents on busy roads. In fact, several local authorities are refusing planning permission for new home developments unless the builders install these turntables in residential properties along classified roads..
Car turntables have been around for several years but some councils in the UK, including Falkirk in Scotland, are increasingly insisting on their installation to reduce accidents.
James Simpson chose to have a turntable installed so he and his wife could drive forwards onto the road. Mr Simpson, 70, said: 'We have been in this house for 38 years and the roads weren't quite so busy back then'
James and Ann Simpson, who live in Stockbridge, Edinburgh, had a car turntable installed in their driveway so that they could drive forward onto the road.
Mr Simpson, 70, said: 'We have been in this house for 38 years and the roads weren't quite so busy back then.
"We realised that reversing out of our driveway was starting to get dangerous and needed to come up with a solution.”
“The council approved planning permission for us to have one installed and since then it's been great - without one we wouldn't be able to park.”

As part of ongoing safety initiatives, a spokesman for Falkirk council confirmed that on busy roads, residents are required to drive front-first out of their driveway.
He said: “For classified roads and some other busy roads we do indeed require a turning arrangement within adjoining premises so that vehicles can leave in a forward gear.”
Edinburgh and East Lothian residents building new homes also must prove they can drive onto a busy road front-facing.
A spokeswoman for Edinburgh council said:
“Guidance does not specify a turntable arrangement but if people can prove that they can use one to turn around safely it will be accepted.”

The Senior Planning Manager at Fife Council, Jim Birrell, said: “We would be supportive of the use of a turntable if it enabled an application to be approved where there is no prospect of a conventional turning area.”
East Lothian Council said:
“Turntables have been approved as a solution to the problem of turning in a driveway on busy roads.”Tony Collins,44, from Aberlady, East Lothian, had a turntable installed to comply with planning permission.
“The plot that we had was quite small in size. The road we were on was an A-class road and so we would only be granted planning permission if we were able to demonstrate being able to drive forwards both in and out of the property”


Justin Kavanagh
Justin Kavanagh is a recognised leader
in automotive intelligence and vehicle
data supply to the entire motor industry.
He has almost 20 years experience in
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